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Bubble Baby Bed was created by award-winning product designer and mother of 3, Lana Agiyan. Her personal experiences as a parent compelled her to look beyond standard market offerings and elevate the ubiquitous baby crib to another level, both aesthetically and medically, by incorporating the latest advances in pediatric science and fabric technology. The result is a rocking baby bed unlike any other, and a bespoke collection of chic and thoughtful additions for any nursery.

Inspired by baby bassinets used in hospitals, Bubble Baby Bed is made with transparent, medical-grade acrylic that allows caregivers to keep an eye on their fragile newborns, while providing babies with a sense of safety and closeness to their environment that other cribs simply cannot. Whether you’re monitoring your baby from a distance, or choosing for them to be engaged with the world rather than hidden from it, our signature transparent style ensures everyone is safe and entertained. Bubble Baby Bed’s rocking feature is the cherry on top, putting it miles ahead of the traditional cribs with bars and dusty bumpers that have saturated the market for far too long. 

Bubble Baby Bed took over two years in the making, from the first prototypes nominated for the SaloneSatellite Award at ISaloni Milano to the final product, receiving the prestigious WELL-TECH technology Innovation Award in 2016.


We believe that having a baby is one of the most rewarding and positively life changing experiences anyone can ever have, and we believe that you can do it in style.

Our mission is twofold: to turn the typical crib into an atypically luxurious fashion statement, and to provide your baby with the most comfortable, safe, and hygienic sleep possible. 


The foremost issue we considered in our design and selection of materials is the safety of sleep. 

A newborn cannot move its head to prevent suffocation, which healthcare organizations link to the ever present and much feared SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Additional dangers for babies under 3 months include excessive use of textiles in cribs (including regular bumpers), mold in the mattress from burped milk, sleeping on unsupported surfaces, toys and regular decorative pillows. 

Bubble Baby Bed effectively works to offset these risks, as well as prevent Flat Head Syndrome for a beautifully smooth and rounded skull. 

Our special 3D fiber mattress made with  breathable TENCEL fabric and llows any liquid to seep through the mesh spacers, giving your baby the option to sleep face-down safely with nothing obstructing the airflow. The top layer remains clean, free of the mold or bacteria that so frequently contaminates other new mattresses in just a matter of days. 

Simply wash the components at your convenience, with or without the use of chemical detergents, and air-dry conveniently within one hour of washing. 

Bubble Baby Bed is also a sophisticated rocking cradle, mimicking the kinetic action of tilting dolls and responding to baby’s movements from inside the crib, gently rocking on its own and putting the child back to sleep. Once pushed, it securely returns to the upright position in a series of slowing tilts thanks to tried and tested safety stoppers. 

Our promise is in our quality. 

With hundreds of units sold to date, Bubble Baby Bed has revolutionized the safety of sleep, providing more restful nights and peace of mind to parents than ever before.